Authorized by the DDA, agencies may provide on-site employment services. EHS, Inc. offers comprehensive employment services to eligible individuals aged 21 and above, including discovery, evaluation, career preparation, job placement, and coaching.
Scope of Service
Job Development: Assists in finding employment, including customized or self-employment opportunities.
Ongoing Job Supports: Provides various assistance to help participants maintain their employment successfully.
Follow Along Supports: Offers periodic support after participants transition into employment roles.
The Adult Employment plan is collaboratively prepared with input from the Case Resource Manager, participants, and their families. It must be signed by the participant and/or their legal guardian within 60 days of service authorization. Copies of the initial and subsequent amended plans are distributed to all team members as necessary. Plans are reviewed annually and cover aspects such as pursuing and maintaining community-based employment, wage increases, and increasing work hours to attain a livable wage.
The employment plan shall comprise the following information:
- Current date.
- Timeline for the plan.
- Participant’s name first and last.
- Participant ADSA ID.
- Employment goal.
- The preferred (job type) the participant wishes to obtain or maintain.
- The preferred wages/salary the participant wishes to earn.
- The number of hours the participant prefers to work.
- They agreed upon a timeline to achieve the employment goal
- The participant’s skills, gifts, interests, and preferred activities.
- Measurable strategies and timelines (action steps and supports) to meet the employment goal.
- Identification of persons and/or entities available to assist the participant in reaching his/her employment goal (example: a family member, Vocational Rehabilitation services, etc.); and
- Identification of other accommodations, adaptive equipment and/or supports critical to achieve employment goals.
Employment services at the EHS, Inc. shall include individual supported employment, group supported employment, community inclusion services and individualized technical assistance.
Individual Supported Employment
Individual Supported Employment services form a vital part of an individual’s journey toward employment, tailored to their specific needs, interests, and abilities, fostering career advancement. These personalized services aim to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in securing and sustaining integrated employment at or above the state’s minimum wage in the mainstream workforce. They encompass various elements such as intake, discovery, assessment, job readiness, job placement, ongoing support, documentation, and job retention aid.
Group Supported Employment
Group Supported Employment services form a crucial part of an individual’s journey towards integrated employment within mainstream community settings. These services are intended to be temporary and encompass:
- The elements outlined in Individual Supported Employment.
- Offering ongoing supervised employment for a maximum of eight individuals with disabilities at one location.
- The ultimate goal of these services is to facilitate continuous paid employment leading to career progression within integrated workplaces, meeting or surpassing minimum wage standards.
Examples of such services include enclaves, mobile crews, and similar business models that employ small groups of individuals with disabilities in integrated employment within community settings.
Community Inclusion Services
Community Inclusion services offer tailored, community-integrated support, encompassing:
- Opportunities for learning, honing, and applying skills to foster enhanced independence and inclusion.
- Assistance in engaging individuals in integrated activities, events, and local community organizations akin to peers of similar age.
- Opportunities for developing relationship-building skills, with a focus on enhancing independence and community integration.
- Eligibility criteria for DDA clients include being aged 21 or above, having participated in DDA employment services for nine consecutive months, or obtaining DDA-approved exceptions from this requirement.
Individualized Technical Assistance
Individualized Technical Assistance services offer assessment and counseling to the service provider, the client, and the client’s support system to identify and address employment barriers.
- This service extends assessment and consultation to employment providers to identify and eliminate obstacles to employment.
- It complements the support offered by supported employment or pre-vocational services for individuals working towards their career goals.
Setting and Location :
Ebby Healthcare Services, Inc. shall support and provide employment services in all its settings which shall be distributed across central, southern, eastern, and western Maryland. All the services provided will be in accordance with the DDA guidelines.
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